Beginning Phase Two (and an exciting support update!)

I feel like I need to begin each newsletter with a big thank you!

We’ve been encouraged by the support we’ve received from you over the past several months and we’re grateful for how the Lord has blessed us through your prayers. He continues to go before us in planting Providence Presbyterian Church and this past month has been especially exciting.

We’re currently in Phase Two of the gathering stage.

Phase One was preaching in the evenings at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Phase Two is hosting informational meetings and vision gatherings.
And Phase Three will be launching corporate worship.

Phase One: Preaching at Westminster

One of the biggest encouragements in this church planting process has come from the opportunity to preach at five evening services at Westminster Presbyterian Church.

It was supposed to be six weeks, but on January 16th we got a significant amount of snow! We were sad to miss worship, but our family enjoyed a few low-key snow days together.

I preached through various Psalms of Ascent, which providentially focused on the importance of worship. We were able to record four of the five sermons. If you’re interested in listening to them, you can find them here.

These five weeks allowed those who are interested in the church plant to hear me preach and meet others who are also interested in being a part of it.

I’m grateful to the session at Westminster for allowing me to preach and inviting us to worship with their congregation. I’ve told many people that if it’s the Lord’s will and Providence Presbyterian Church gets off the ground, Westminster PCA will have a prominent role in our story.

Phase Two: Informational Meetings

Now we’re currently in the middle of hosting three informational meetings to discuss different topics about the church plant.

This past Sunday we hosted our first informational meeting on, “Why plant another church?” I posted the notes from my presentation here. We had a wonderful turnout and were very encouraged by the conversation and fellowship. Our time together made the church plant feel like more of a reality!

This Sunday, February 20th our informational meeting will cover, “Why a denomination and why the Presbyterian Church in America?”

And in the third meeting on February 27th, I’ll be sharing the vision for the church plant, including what Sunday worship will be like, how we hope to foster community and fellowship among those in the body of Christ, and our plans for outreach and evangelism.

Both meetings will be from 4:00-5:30pm at Kevin and Allyson Bishop’s house. If you or someone you know is interested in attending one or both of them, please contact me and I’ll send you more details along with the Bishop’s address. We would love to have you join us!

After our final informational meeting – between Sunday, March 6th and Sunday, April 10th – we’ll continue to gather to pray together and discuss the church’s vision, mission, and values in more detail.

Phase Three: Launching Corporate Worship

One of the questions I get the most is, “When will you begin worship services?”

Currently, the goal is to launch worship on Easter evening, April 17th. But there are a few things we need to figure out… like finding a location!

We’re busy looking for a location and praying for the right space. Outside of meeting, connecting, and reconnecting with folks, finding a location is a top priority.

Please pray that the Lord will provide a place for us to worship.

Giving Update

Two other exciting updates:

Through many monthly pledges and one-time gifts, we have officially reached our Year One goal for support raising!

And we are less than $25,000 away from meeting our support goals for the first three years of the church plant!


Thank you to all of you who have partnered with us financially. We continue to be humbled by the way the Lord has gone before us and has used the generosity of so many people to begin this new church.

If you or someone you know is interested in supporting Providence Presbyterian Church, you can click the button below to give online.

Please continue to pray that:

  • The Informational Meetings will help provide clarity and generate excitement for those who are interested in joining us to plant Providence Presbyterian Church.

  • The Lord will provide a location for us to worship.

  • The Lord will continue to strengthen and sustain us as we labor to start this new church.

With each newsletter, as we recount what God has done and look forward to what is to come, we’re reminded of God’s goodness and faithfulness. We’re grateful to be a part of this new work and honored that you are following along.

As always, please contact me if you or someone you know is interested in Providence Presbyterian Church. I would love to talk with you!



Why denominations? And specifically, why the PCA?


Why plant a new church?