Thoughts on the GRN National Conference

A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of traveling to Birmingham, Alabama for the Gospel Reformation Network’s (GRN) National Conference.

The GRN is a conservative/confessional network within our denomination – the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) – whose purpose is to cultivate healthy Reformed churches. They emphasize biblical fidelity, confessional integrity, the ordinary means of grace, intentional evangelism, and personal discipleship, among many other things. Being a part of this network has been a blessing to me, especially in the midst of starting a new church in the Roanoke Valley.

The GRN’s annual conference takes place each spring, soon before the PCA’s General Assembly, to discuss important issues within our denomination.

This year the conference was titled The Church’s One Foundation: The Sufficiency of the Gospel in a Secular Age and the sessions focused primarily on how belonging to Jesus Christ shapes our identity. This is particularly pertinent right now considering the debate over side B, “gay Christianity” within not only our denomination, but throughout all of evangelicalism.

Over a day and a half, I was able to sit under the preaching and teaching of several godly men who’ve impacted my ministry and walk with Christ. All of the sessions were excellent, but there were a few in particular that I want to recommend to you:

  1. Don’t Shrink Back! Holy Courage & Gospel Confidence in a Secular Age | Dr. Jon Payne

  2. He Will Surely Do It: The Love of God & Progressive Sanctification | Dr. David Strain

  3. Pay Careful Attention: Life and Doctrine in the Gospel Minister | Dr. Jonny Gibson

All of the sessions from the GRN Conference are available here.

If you’re able to find time in the next week to listen to these, I know they will be worth your while. I hope you’re encouraged and challenged by them, like I was.

And if you have any questions about the GRN, these sessions, or any of the topics mentioned here, I would love to meet with you and discuss them. Send me an email or talk to me after church on Sunday and we can arrange a time.

In Christ,


Something to Celebrate - John 2:1-12


True Followers of Christ - John 1:43-51