Resources on Infant Baptism

“Why do you baptize infants?”

It’s a great question that pastors in the Presbyterian and Reformed world should be prepared to answer, and one that we should take very seriously. 

However, difficulty arises when there are time restraints. Because there is no silver-bullet proof text, it can be challenging to provide a succinct answer in a five-minute window.

The subject of infant baptism largely relates to how we understand Scripture as a whole. How do we interpret the New Testament in light of the Old? Answering that question requires study, research, and most of all, time. 

The paedobaptist’s view is more nuanced and complex than the credobaptist position. But just because something is complex doesn’t mean it’s incorrect. After all, all orthodox Christians affirm the Trinity, and that is one of the most complex doctrines of the Christian faith.

Bearing that in mind, I thought it might be helpful to compile links to videos, lectures, articles, and books I’ve found helpful on the subject of baptism from a Presbyterian and Reformed perspective. 

This list is by no means exhaustive. If you know of a helpful resource that isn’t listed, please send it to me through the contact page.

Videos on Baptism

Dr. Douglas Kelly on the history of baptism - Dr. Douglas Kelly is a retired Systematics professor from Reformed Theological Seminary. 

Dr. Ligon Duncan’s Sunday School lesson on infant baptism - Dr. Ligon Duncan is the chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary. He was the pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS and taught systematics at RTS. He is also a board member of The Gospel Coalition.

Dr. Ligon Duncan’s lecture on baptism in worship

Dr. Richard Pratt on infant baptism - Dr. Richard Pratt is the president of Third Mill ministries.

Audio Lectures on (or related to) Baptism

Dr. Ligon Duncan’s lectures on covenant theology - Covenant theology is the lens through which Presbyterians interpret the Bible and is crucial to understanding the paedobaptist perspective. If you have time, you should listen to the whole course. But at the very least, be sure to listen to his lecture on circumcision and baptism.

Various lectures on baptism - These lectures are compiled from a variety of courses at Reformed Theological Seminary that all deal with the subject of baptism.

Articles on Baptism

Dr. Dennis Johnson’s letter to his daughter wrestling with baptism - Dr. Dennis Johnson is professor emeritus at Westminster Seminary in California.

Dr. R. Scott Clark’s defense of infant baptism - Dr. R. Scott Clark is professor of church history and historical theology at Westminster Seminary in California.

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey explains the purpose of baptism  - Dr. W. Robert Gofrey is president emeritus and professor emeritus of church history at Westminster Seminary Cailfornia.

Dr. Rick Phillips on Christian baptism - Dr. Rick Phillips is the senior pastor at Second Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC.

Pastors Who Have Changed Their Position on Baptism

Sean Michael Lewis on why he changed his mind on baptizing infants - Rev. Sean Michael Lewis is the senior pastor at Independent Presbyterian Church in Memphis, TN. 

Books on Baptism from the Paedobaptist Perspective

Baptism: Answers to Common Questions by Dr. Guy Richard - A short, very readable book on the subject of infant baptism.

Covenantal Baptism by Rev. Jason Helopoulos - Another recently published, straightforward book on infant baptism. 

Christian Baptism by Dr. John Murray - Dr. John Murray was a professor and theologian at Westminster Theological Seminary. His book on baptism is a more academic treatment of the subject.

Free eBook on Infant Baptism - A compilation of articles from the Westminster Theological Journal written by John Murray, Meredith Kline, and Vern Poythress. This is another academic treatment of infant baptism.


Waiting on the Lord - Psalm 130


The Blessed Family - Psalm 128