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The Great I AM - John 8:48-59
How much abuse, opposition, and dare I say, persecution are you willing to endure for the truth of Jesus Christ? We often say here in America that we don’t really face “real persecution” which to a certain extent is true. Christians in other countries legitimately face death for their faith in Christ.
As it stands right now, I don’t think anyone received a death threat for coming to church this morning. But at the same time, so many are not willing to take even the smallest stand for the truth of Jesus Christ.
Reject Lies and Embrace Truth - John 8:39-47
Spotting truth and lies have gotten more complicated these days, hasn’t it? Clear truth and lies have been replaced with your truth or my truth, misinformation, disinformation, and narratives and false narratives.
If you Google the words, “false narrative” you will get millions of hits. Did we even use the terminology twenty years ago? Nothing is clean and straightforward anymore. It’s all complicated and messy.
But distinctions that the world often wants to blur, God’s Word makes abundantly clear. Contrary to what the world teaches there is truth, and you can know it! And conversely, there are lies promoted by the devil himself.
The Truth Will Set You Free - John 3:31-38
We’re often led to believe that faith in Christ is akin to a pill that you take to treat your unhealthy ways. Christ can’t really do anything for you, he just makes you feel better about yourself. This teaching strips the gospel of any real power.
People might say that about Jesus, but he doesn’t say that about himself. He said he came to give liberty to the captive. Jesus Christ came to set you free from the power of reigning sin in your life. There is hope for the Christian, that by the power of the Spirit in Christ you can put to death the sin struggles that have persistently afflicted you. I don’t care what your sin struggle is!
Christ didn’t come to make you feel comfortable in your prison cell and to make sure your chains aren't too tight… Christ came to set you free!
Believe that I am He - John 8:21-30
Throughout the book of John, Jesus tells us in no uncertain terms who he is. He tells people over and over again, and yet, they keep asking him, “Who are you?”
And that’s what we see in verses 21-30. But this time, Jesus tells them exactly who they are and contrasts it with who he is. First, Jesus tells the Jews that they will die in their sin (v. 21), which is a symptom of their disease (vv. 22-24), and that the only remedy is to believe in Him (vv. 25-30). You might say, what we see in this passage is the symptom, the disease, and then the cure.
The Light of the World - John 8:12-20
The more exposed light there is, the easier it is for you to know where to go.
And this is really the essence of our passage: Jesus is the light of the world! To follow Jesus means your life is on course. You are heading in the right direction. It certainly doesn’t mean that it’s perfect or easy. But your life is being navigated by the light and brightness of Christ!
The Manuscripts of a Merciful Messiah - John 7:53-8:11
We often quote to our children and to one another, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!” We quote it in order to caution harsh judgment while failing to adequately judge ourselves. We rush to punish someone while ignoring our own sins.
It’s such a beloved story, and yet, all the evidence seems to indicate that this particular passage wasn’t originally in the gospel of John. In other words, it’s unlikely that the Apostle John actually penned this story.
Not Peace, But a Sword - John 7:40-52
Jesus is both the most unifying and divisive person of all time. He’s both. The church is centered and founded upon the work of Jesus Christ which is our source of peace, but in the world there’s great hostility that is centered around the work and person of Jesus Christ. It all centers around him, and whether you experience peace or division comes down to how you answer the question: Who is Jesus Christ?
A Thirst-Quenching Savior - John 7:37-39
Jesus is the fulfillment of the Feast of Booths. The Feast and all the ceremonies, celebrations that take place over the course of the week-long Feast find their fulfillment in him. He’s the one that all their ceremonial pomp and circumstance is pointing to!
At the ceremonial grand finale at the Feast of Booths Jesus stands up and bids all who are thirsty to come to him.
Going with Jesus - John 7:32-36
It seems that the very thing that we need is often the very thing that we hate.
This is precisely what’s going on in our passage. The Jewish religious leaders, the Pharisees knew the Scriptures promised a Messiah. They expected God to send a Savior. But here’s the problem: they hated the Savior that God sent. He didn’t meet their qualifications. He wasn’t doing or saying the things they wanted him to say.
So we see their hatred for Jesus in two clear ways in this passage: first, they want him arrested (vv. 32-34) and second, we see their hatred for Jesus in their mockery of him (vv. 35-37).
A Simple Christmas - Luke 2:1-7
We might say, “Jesus is the reason for the season,” or “don’t leave Christ out of Christmas,” or faithfully hold the line on, “Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays,” but in reality Christmas has turned into a season of excessiveness, consumerism, self-indulgence, gluttony.
Consumerism in the worst possible sense has almost completely taken over Christmas.
My point isn’t to condemn Christmas and all its fun traditions, rather, my point is the actual Christmas story, the one we just read from Luke, emphasizes the exact opposite of the stereotypical Christmas experience!
Luke 2:1-7 stresses the simplicity of Christ’s birth.
Our Miraculous Lord - Luke 1:26-33
We all have a spiritual addiction to sin. Jesus said it most clearly when he said, “no one is good except God.”
You and I need outside help. We need a spiritual intervention!
And I think that’s precisely what we see in our passage this morning. We see the Lord taking drastic measures in order to redeem sinful humanity.
And how would he do it? By becoming just like you and me. By leaving the heavenly throne room and taking on flesh.
Because ultimately, in order for there to be hope of redemption, God had to intervene. The God of the universe would momentarily suspend the natural laws that govern our world in order to miraculously create a life that would redeem us from our sins.
Hostility, Scrutiny, and Salvation - John 7:25-31
Perhaps there was a point in time in America when there was a social incentive to refer to yourself as a Christian. Perhaps it got you around the right people. Going to church could function as a great place to network, and the morals that were taught were generally thought of as positive.
With each passing moment, there are fewer and fewer social incentives to refer to yourself as a Christian.
However, even in the face of open hostility and scrutiny toward Jesus Christ, people still get saved.
We see this clearly in John 7:25-31.
Jesus As He Is - John 7:14-24
In order to be a Christian, you have to accept Jesus exactly the way that He is.
Because Jesus is easy to dismiss if he doesn’t fit into your box and meet your expectations. That’s what we see in our passage.
Who is Jesus? - John 7:1-13
We all have all sorts of thoughts and opinions but at the end of the day, many of them don’t matter all that much. How you answer which baseball team is the best or who was the greatest American President has little to no impact on your day to day life.
But what you think of Jesus Christ will dictate the direction of your life and your eternal soul.
Words to Live By - John 6:60-71
How do you respond to Jesus Christ?
Who is he and what has he done for you? How you answer that question is everything! The destiny of your eternal soul rides on how you answer that question.
In John 6 we’ve seen several different groups of people respond to Jesus: In previous weeks, we’ve seen how the Jews responded to Jesus, and this morning we’re going to look at how his disciples responded to him.
Feed on Christ - John 6:48-59
The Christian faith is marked by an ongoing reliance, trust, and dependance on Christ. It’s being united to Christ by faith is what saves you. Eternal life comes through a deep and abiding connection to Jesus Christ. Which I think helps us understand a passage that is full of language that is highly metaphorical and spiritual.
Christ isn’t directing attention to the Lord’s Supper in general, rather he is directing our attention to what lies beneath the Supper. He’s using language to describe the Christians union to him by faith.
Back to the Source - 2 Kings 22:8-20
As many of you probably know, on October 31st 1517, one of the most famous events in all of history took place. Martin Luther, a young Roman Catholic monk at the time, nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church in Germany sparking what we refer to as the Protestant Reformation.
Naturally, many protestant churches celebrate the last Sunday in October as Reformation Day. Last Sunday was Reformation Sunday, but we’re pretending that it’s today this year. Next year I’ll try to get it right.
I think it’s fair to say that in many ways the Protestant Reformation mirrors the passage of Scripture I just read about the rediscovery of God's law under King Josiah. Josiah’s discovery of the Law and the Protestant Reformation share something in common: they both shared a deep value for the Word of God.
He Cares For You - 1 Peter 5:6-7
This Sunday we had the privilege of having Mr. Brock Page visit Providence and preach from 1 Peter 5:6-7.
Brock worked with Pastor Jake at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Florence, SC, where he is currently the pastoral assistant. Brock also attends LAMP Seminary.
Bread that Satisfies - John 6:35-48
Our passage reminds us of a simple, yet glorious truth: only Jesus can satisfy the hunger of your soul. Certainly this is true for a non-Christian seeking to fill that “gospel shaped hole” in their heart. But isn’t it also true for each of us that are Christians, that we tend to forget this simple truth. It’s so easy to jump into the rat race of life in order to chase worldly pleasure believing those things are going to make our lives better.
Instead of relying on worldly pleasure, we must rely on Christ.
Jesus is Enough - John 6:28-34
We’re all running a spiritual race, whether or not you recognize it, and staying on course in order to achieve the goal of salvation is what we’re all chasing after.
But it’s really easy to get off course!
In our passage we see the crowd asking Jesus what works they must perform to please God.