The Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education (BRITE) is pleased to welcome Dr. T. David Gordon for their Sixth Annual Winter Seminar, January 18-20 of 2024. Rev. Dr. Gordon (PhD, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Virginia) is a retired author living in Grove City, PA. He was previously Professor of Religion and Greek at Grove City College, where from 1999-2021 he taught courses in Religion, Greek, Humanities, and Media Ecology. Prior to that, he taught for thirteen years at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in S. Hamilton, MA; and for nine years he was pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashua, NH. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America.
In partnership with their friends at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, this year’s conference/course will be on the theme “Kingdom Living in a Hostile Age: Biblical and Social Ethics.”
Come to the Blue Ridge mountains this winter and join Dr. Gordon as together we explore the biblical and theological basis and implications for Christian ethics and living–an utterly crucial doctrine to understand in these heady days!
To register, click here.